Smart home maintenance recommendations to keep your San Diego system running smoothly

Maintenance is vital to numerous elements of our lives. You work out to keep your body fit and take your automobile to the service shop so it functions properly. Your San Diego smart home is no exception. Even though it demands less care than your vehicle, you still have to do some things to keep sensors and other equipment operating as intended. It’s not challenging, and we’ll make the job even simpler with these smart home maintenance suggestions.
Clean Equipment Is Vital To Dependable Function
Dust and dirt are threats to surveillance device lenses, sensors, and all kinds of electronics. How effectively do you believe your exterior surveillance will detect intruders if it’s obscured by cobwebs? Your smart home won’t appear so smart when it’s not working as you expect. But you can lend a hand by performing these easy maintenance duties:
- Keep your camera lenses spotless by wiping them down frequently with a microfiber towel gently moistened with a safe cleaning solution. Don’t use paper towels that may scratch the lens, and avoid spraying a fluid straight onto the camera.
- Prevent dust from settling on delicate electronics. If particles get inside the housing, it can harm those sensitive electrical parts and impede needed air circulation. Even your central interface’s narrow, flat top can accumulate dust.
- When tidying up, do a quick verification to make sure your components are fixed solidly and positioned appropriately.
It’s not hard to keep your smart home components clean, but you can do some other things to maintain performance.
Do a quick inspection of your San Diego security system
Have you not gotten a smartphone notification in a while? Your system might be working great, and your property safe and secure, but it may also indicate something isn’t working right. Why not see for yourself by performing a brief assessment of your components? Here’s how to proceed:
- Take on the part of an invader and see if you can activate your motion sensors, access point sensors, or additional devices you have. You can often put your system into “test mode” to avoid contacting your monitoring company.
- Launch your home security smartphone app and check the video footage. Determine if the images are sharp and the camera is aimed where it is supposed to be.
- If you have automation configured, check it. Did the smart thermostat change settings at the proper time? Did your lights flip on or off as planned?
- Verify batteries are changed regularly. Many systems will even notify you when they’re getting low.
Assessments can be completed infrequently or any time you suspect a component is failing.
Is your system firmware updated?
Those smart gadgets you have across your house don’t just operate automatically. These integrated components have firmware built in, so they function as intended. In many cases, the firmware will self-update, but there may be exceptions. Perform the updates as soon as they’re available (your system will likely inform you) to avoid errors or security problems.
Get a dependable smart home in San Diego from Vivint
Interested in a dependable, simple-to-maintain smart home in San Diego? Consult with the home security experts at Vivint. Featuring the best in outdoor surveillance and automation, we have a solution for your property. Call (619) 492-4324 right away to design your home’s security.